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Getting Started Soul Winning

First time soul winning? Read this to get started!

Opening Up

Depending on if you're going soul winning with a church versus doing it with friends or by yourself, generally you'll want to follow this pattern:

With a Church

"Hey, my name is (Your Name) and I'm with (Your Church's Name) inviting you to come visit. Do you go to church anywhere around here? Well hey more important than church:"


"Hey, my name is (Your Name) and I'm a Baptist going around spreading the gospel and asking people this important question:"

Next, follow up with the question "God forbid, if you were to die today, are you 100% sure you'd go to heaven?"

Not 100% Sure

"Alright, well if you have 10 minutes I'd love to show you how the Bible says you can be 100% sure."

Claims To Be 100% Sure

"Awesome! If I may, what do you believe it takes to go to heaven?"

Anything but 100% faith alone:
"A lot of people think that (you have to be a good person, turn from sins, go to church, etc...) but the Bible says something different. Mind if I share that with you?"

Answers 100% faith alone:
"Amen, that's what I/we believe as well."

If they give any answer that doesn't end in 100% assurance in faith alone, give the gospel.

If they don't want to hear the gospel (busy, gives an excuse, just not interested), leave them with a verse such as from John 3:16. "Hey let me just leave you with one quick verse." If they seem receptive after that, offer again to share the gospel, and if they are still refusing to hear it, tell them to have a great day and move on to the next door.


Gospel Presentation

The Penalty of Sin

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What Jesus Did

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How To Get Saved

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Not of Works

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Assurance of Salvation

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Salvation is Eternal

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Get Saved

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After you have gone through the gospel presentation, make sure they have understood everything. Throughout the presentation, you should be checking after each section if they believe what is being preached before moving on. Make sure they understand salvation is a one time thing and lasts forever and they can never lose it.

If they say they understand and believe the gospel, lead them in a quick prayer. Below is an example prayer you can use.

Dear Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner and I deserve hell. Please save me and give me eternal life. I am only trusting in you. I know that once I'm saved, I'm always saved and can never lose my salvation. Amen.

Let them know you'll see them in heaven, and if you have any KJV Bibles with you, give them one and any other resources that might benefit a new believer. If you are part of a church in the area, invite them to church again as well. It helps to also bookmark the book of John in their new Bible to give them a good starting place to read as a new believer.