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The Bible Way to Heaven

If you died today, are you 100% sure that you would go to heaven?

Salvation is Free, Easy, and Forever

The Bible says that eternal life is a free gift, and that we can have full assurance of our salvation. Watch the below video or continue scrolling to learn more.

God's Nature

In order to understand how to be saved, we must first understand who God is. The Bible teaches that he is a morally perfect and righteous God, so perfect that he can't even look upon iniquity or dwell with the wicked.

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Human Nature

This is a problem for humanity, because the Bible makes it clear that we are all full of iniquity.

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The word "iniquity" is just another word for sin or wrongdoing. When God formed each of us in the womb, we were holy and innocent - but we all have committed sin, and we come short of the glory of God every day.

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The Penalty for Sin

God's perfect nature cannot tolerate our sin, and because of this we face severe consequences - spiritual death, and separation from God in the lake of fire - a place of eternal torment.

Here are some of the people who deserve this punishment:

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There are some very serious sins on this list, like murder, but also some common sins like being fearful or telling a lie. Have you ever told a lie?

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If so, the bad news is that you are on your way to hell. The Bible is clear that if you've broken one law, you are just as guilty before God as someone who has broken every law.

The Good News

God is merciful and loving, and he never wanted us to suffer this penalty, and that's why he sent his son Jesus to die for us.

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Who is Jesus?

The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God, and he is also God the Son. He was born of a virgin, and his arrival was prophesied over 700 years beforehand by the prophet Isaiah.

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Jesus never committed a sin, he never broke one of God's laws.

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He performed many miracles to prove that he truly was the Messiah from the prophecies. He walked on water, healed the sick, and helped the blind to see. He even raised people from the dead.

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He also preached against the current generation, against the religious leaders of the time and their wickedness.

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They hated Jesus, and so they plotted against him and arrested him on false charges. They beat him, they spat in his face, they whipped him, and they put a crown of thorns on his head to mock him.

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They made him carry a 165 pound cross to the site of his execution, where they nailed him to it.

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When he was up on that cross, the sins of the entire world were upon him. He bore our sins in his body, taking the punishment we deserve for our sin, so that we could be made clean.

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After dying for our sins on the cross, he took our place in hell for 3 days and 3 nights. But his soul was not left in hell.

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On the third day, Jesus miraculously rose from the dead, triumphing over sin and death, once and for all.

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After his resurrection, he visited over 500 eyewitnesses, including his former disciples.

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One of Jesus's disciples, named Thomas, said that he wouldn't believe the resurrection unless he saw Jesus himself. So Jesus paid him a visit, and said the following to him:

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Thomas replied "My Lord and my God," but Jesus said "blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

This is an important concept in Christianity, because the Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God.

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Therefore, the plan of salvation is simple. In order to be saved, we must believe on the Lord Jesus. Faith alone can save us.

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This means we must place all our trust in him alone for salvation. Not in ourselves, or our good deeds.

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Are you a False Convert?

Many people believe they are on their way to heaven, but are actually trusting something other than Christ's sacrifice to take them there. Many trust in false gods, or they trust in their own works of righteousness (going to church, helping people, turning from sin). But the Lord knows who truly trusts in him.

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That's right. You don't have to "be a good person" to have eternal life. You don't have to clean up your life and turn from all your sins to go to heaven. In fact, the Bible teaches that eternal life is a free gift.

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If a friend gave you a brand new laptop, but told you that you had to mow his lawn every week in order to keep it, would that really be a free gift? Of course not, it would be a transaction. But the Bible is very clear that we can't buy our way into heaven.

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Our salvation is paid for exclusively by the blood of Christ, not by our works.

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We never deserved our salvation in the first place, and therefore there's nothing we could possibly do to ever lose it. Believers are eternally secure. You can never lose your salvation, no matter what!

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Did you believe that works played a role in your salvation? Did you believe that you had to get baptized to be saved? Or belong to a certain church or denomination? Did you believe you had to repent of your sins to be saved? Did you believe that you could lose your salvation? If so, you were never saved to begin with, because you didn't trust Jesus - you trusted yourself.

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Is this your first time hearing the gospel?
Did these words resonate with you?
Were you a false convert?
Did you change your mind?

Luckily, getting saved is as easy as calling upon the name of the Lord in faith.

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If you changed your mind, and are willing to let God know, you can pray the following prayer:

Dear Lord, I know I'm a sinner. But I know that you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins, and I believe that he rose from the dead. I am only trusting on you, not on anything that I have done. Please save me, and give me the free gift of eternal life. Amen.

If you asked for the free gift today, you can rest knowing that you have been washed, sanctified, and justified in the sight of God. Your sins are as far away from you as the east is from the west, and you are clothed in the righteousness of Christ himself.

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And from this point forward, you can have assurance in your salvation, knowing with 100% certainty that you will go to heaven when you die.

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Did you get saved today? Be sure to check out our page for new believers. Have questions? Take a moment to browse our doctrinal database or visit our community of believers on Discord.